Questions for Unit 3 (Roman Britain)
- When, how and why did Britain become romanized? How much of Britain did the
Romans occupy? How much did they succeed in romanizing?
- Who was Boadicea? Why is she remembered?
- What was life like in Roman Britain? How do we know? What is the modern name
of Eboracum? What was the Roman name for London? Why is London where it
is, and not elsewhere?
- When, how and why did Roman Britain end? What was the Saxon Shore? Was it
unusual within the Roman Empire? Why?
- What was the legacy of Roman Britain? Consider the effects on: language; customs
and lifestyle; government and law.
- How and why did the effects of the Roman period in Britain differ from the effects
of the Roman period in Gaul?
- How did Britain become Christian? How did Ireland become Christian? (And
looking ahead to the units to come: List the main changes that took place in the
history of Christianity in Britain and Ireland, including the dates they happened.)
- Did King Arthur exist? Explain briefly.