Questions for Unit 9 (Imperial Britain)
- Who was the second-longest-reigning monarch in British history? Give the person’s
full name, the name of the person’s spouse, the date of accession to the throne,
and the date of death.
- When and where did the Great Potato Famine take place? What policies did the
Tories and Whigs put forward for dealing with it?
- What was the Crystal Palace? What was it made of? What event was it built for?
When did that event take place?
- When did Charles Darwin publish his book On the origin of species? What
persuaded him to do so? When did Darwin die? Where was he buried? Why was
he buried there?
- Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone: What were their party affiliations, what
political office did they hold, which of the two had a better personal relationship
with the monarch, and what additional title did he persuade the monarch to